99 Bottles of OOP - 2nd Edition
"Everybody complains about the weather but nobody does anything about it." Likewise, everyone has an opinion about what good code looks like, but those opinions don't help you create it. This book fills that gap. It explains the process of writing good code, and teaches you to achieve beautifully programmed ends by way of extremely practical means.
What It's About
99 Bottles of OOP is a practical guide to writing cost-effective, maintainable, and pleasing object-oriented code.
See independent reviews at goodreads.com.
““If you believe that clean object design comes from black magic and guru wisdom, and you want to keep believing that, then don’t read this book. But if you’re ready to learn the simple disciplines that consistently result in robust, flexible software designs, this is the book for you.””
Practical Object-Oriented Design (POODR)
Practical Object-Oriented Design: An Agile Primer Using Ruby (POODR) is a programmers tale about how to write object-oriented code. It explains object-oriented design (OOD) using realistic, understandable examples. POODR is a practical, readable introduction to how OOD can lower your costs and improve your applications.
POODR will help you:
Decide what belongs in a single class
Avoid entangling objects that should be kept separate
Define flexible interfaces among objects
Reduce programming overhead costs with duck typing
Successfully apply inheritance
Build objects via composition
Design cost-effective tests
Craft simple, straightforward, understandable code
If your code is killing you and the joy is gone, POODR has the cure.
“Not only is the book 100% on-point, Sandi has an easy writing style with lots of great analogies that drive every point home.”
“Finally read POODR. This is, hands down, the most pristine explanation of OO I’ve ever seen. Highly recommended!”
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